We hope you, all your family everywhere, friends, neighbors, work and business associates are all well. It's a very bad and difficult time right now but, as always, please remember you only have 168 hours to live your life this and every week. It may be tough to do some of the things below if experiencing sadness from anyone you know unfortunately medically affected or worse and loss of job.
You may be working outside, in an office, hospital, law enforcement, etc. normally because of your profession or from home, but still invest your 168 hours doing the things that are truly important to you, even when this is all over with. Invest more time now and in the future with the people you love (And tell them you love them, too).
If you can't do it in person, do it via Skype, Zoom, Facebook, Instagram or just on a phone call. Do activities to help improve your health, fitness and spiritual life. Engage in activities that give joy to others (and see how much you benefit, too) even if not in person. Smile a lot and laugh out loud if you can. Take a friend to lunch or dinner (or for the time being send them lunch or dinner via one of the food delivery services and do a Skype, Zoom, Facebook or a phone call meeting and eat together). Donate your time (even if not in person if possible) or resources to a worthy charity. Try and have a routine if stuck at home to make the days productive to keep yourself secure and calm as possible.
Have a normal time for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Try new recipes. Get back to or start exercising for better health. Express your creativity by art, writing, play acting with kids, playing games. Hopefully things like this or anything else will keep you well balanced and normal as possible. "Let's All Live a High-Performance Life Now and in the Future!" We have also been waving and smiling to anyone we see walking, bike riding, stop next to us in our car, etc. The few times we have been out to doctor's appointments (not Covid-19 related), Publix, etc. Just trying to make someone's day.”
Our best offense is a solid defense. Let us not be wary and lose hope we must and we will surpass this pandemic. We have those who endure such trials and still fight to live. We need to be strong not only for us but for them.
Let us fight this together by staying apart.
Keep safe and stay healthy!
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